Saturday, August 24, 2013


Finally!  They started digging!


On Friday, they brought gravel up the (new part of the) driveway.  They are supposed to do the footings on Monday.   Big sigh....  Lots of different emotions on my part.  Excitement - fear - disbelief that it is actually happening...

Today I had a perfect summer lunch.  Tomatoes and cucumbers from the garden.

Our friend Bruno asked why I didn't have any pictures of the cattle.  I took this picture as we were leaving one evening.  I know you can't really see the cattle, but at least you can see they exist.  We have to go through two gates every time we enter or leave.  Big pain.
If there is more than one person in the car, the rider can get out, open the gate and close it again after the car goes through the gate.  If the driver is alone, he/she has to get out and open the gate, get back in the car and drive through the gate and then get out again to close the gate.
Well, one day, someone was going through the gate and the cows were right by the first gate like you see in the picture below.  One of the cows got through the gate and into the neighbor's pasture that we drive through to get to our place.  Bob and I, Charley and J went down to find her and get her back in our pasture.  We left Charley and J at the gate and Bob and I drove back through the pasture.  We didn't see any cattle, so we drove back to the gate.  J said, "We didn't see her, let's go back to the house."  He was teasing us which he likes to do.
Actually, the cow was just up the fence a ways in the shade of the tree and when she saw Charley, she came running to him and went right through the gate.  She knew she was not where she was supposed to be.
This morning I went out to the garden early and there were lots of spider webs sparkling in the dew.

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