Monday, November 22, 2010


Mom is settling in.  Tomorrow she is going to the local Aqua Swim and taking a water aerobics class.  She will start out going twice a week.  She will go tomorrow then not again until next week because of Thanksgiving.

The bed was too high so we put the box springs right on the floor. 

We walked a little this morning.  We didn't make it to the corner but almost.  We did go to Sprouts this afternoon.  We have been working on her embroidery.  I've been doing the parts she doesn't want to do.

She has been playing the piano and enjoying that.  I think she has more to do here and it is definitely easier to go outside but we'll see how content she chooses to be.

I'll keep you up to date on what we do.  Maybe we will even have some pictures at some point.

1 comment:

  1. Sprouts is the local health food store. I go there to buy all my produce.
